Tuesday, March 16, 2010


1. Describe your game (including a title).
The initialed title of this platform type game is “The Golden Statue”. This title reflects the theme/objective of the game as you are required to kill all the enemies and rescue the golden statue. Most of my game is above ground. There are three to five parts that are underground. In the underground areas, I have put couple of lights so that the gamer is able to see the enemies guarding the tunnel or/and the way out. Above ground consists of some traps which the gamer has to pass. The key to the locked doors are hidden somewhere between the two doors. Finding the keys isn’t hard. Also, I have placed many power ups at regular intervals. Sometimes, there are more power ups at one place than the other which could mean that there are more enemies coming up.

2. What is the objective of the game?
The objective of the game is to kill all the enemies and rescue the golden statue which has been stolen by the evil Poiente. Once the gamer kills all the enemies and reaches the golden statue, the game will be accomplished.

3. Discuss two strengths and one weakness of your game.
According to me, two strengths of my game are the number of power ups I have placed and the level of difficulty. I think the places where I have positioned the power ups are really good. I have tried to locate my power ups according to the number of enemies. Therefore, I don’t have lots of power ups in the beginning as it doesn’t consist of a lot of enemies but, towards the end, I have quite a number of them because the number of enemies increases. Usually, the guns, armors, etc. are placed before the gamer comes in contact with the enemies and the health packs are placed after the gamer comes in contact with the enemies. I also feel that my level of difficulty is just right. A person with really less experience of playing video games can play my game while a person with lots of experience can play it as well. One weakness of my game is that there are not many ways or options for the gamer to follow. The game keeps going in one direction and the gamer doesn’t really have options to choose.

4. What improvements could be made?
One improvement I could make is adding more paths in the game. I should let the gamer have more options in choosing in which direction they prefer to go. This could have added some interestingness. Another improvement I can think of is adding some more traps so that the gamer doesn’t get bored and can expect something to keep coming up.

5. What difficulties did you encounter while creating your game?
One of the difficulties I had to encounter while creating my game was checking if the tiles were on the ground. The surface of the game wasn’t flat but bumpy and the graphics weren’t the best so when I was placing tiles in the game, the tiles were above the ground most of the time. To fix that, I had to go back and place tiles below the ones I had already placed. Also, I had a little trouble with uploading the game to my blog after I was done making it. It was on my blog but it showed some error and therefore, the game wasn’t functioning. At the end, I had to upload it at home.

6. What did you have to modify or change from the original design?
I didn’t modify a lot from the original design. A few minor things that I changed include:
· I had planned to have darkness in some places in my tunnels but because the tunnels weren’t deep, the light from the ground was covering the tunnels as well. Therefore, some parts of the tunnels didn’t have darkness.
· I had assumed when creating the plan and design that falling in the water will cause mission failure but as I started creating the game, I understood that it is not possible to do so.
· The timeline I formed to help me create my game on time worked well but I didn’t take one and a half weeks to create the game. I did it over the course of four days.

7. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your performance during this assignment.
The way I handled this assignment has been proficient. My work ethic, devotion, enthusiasm and overall attitude towards this assignment gave me worthy results. The way I have worked hard and used my time efficiently at school has given me a reasonably good project. I have put a lot of time in the designing and planning of the game and according to me, they are really well done. Doing this allowed me to get a very strong idea of what I was going to include in my game and therefore, I just followed my plan. While I spend my time efficiently in school, I also did a lot of work at home. Working expeditiously with dedication gave me a chance to finish my work earlier than the expected due date. Among all these strengths, one weakness of my performance was the creation of the actual game. I could have spend a little more time in making it better but I don’t think what I have made is not good.

8. What did you do well at?
There are quite a few things I feel I did well at. To start off, I did reasonably well at the designing and planning of the game by putting in lots of details which later on helped me a lot while building my game. I think the objective/theme of my game was pretty good too. Even though rescuing a golden statue is not an original objective, it does provide gamers with a motivation to keep going on. It is better than saying that the objective is to kill all the enemies. I think the obstacles and traps I made for the gamers are pretty good. They are all different from each other which provides uniqueness for the gamers. Off the game, the amount of work I have put in to do this assignment adequately could be counted as something I did well at.

9. What could you have done better at?
No matter what you do and how much time you take to do it, you always have a chance of improvement. The same thing occurs in this place. I could have spent a little more time on the game and I could have made it better in some aspects like adding more paths in different directions. I don’t think there is anything else that might need improvement.

1. How was the difficulty level? Give one reason why.
2. Were there some parts that you felt were too hard to go past?
3. Do you think there is an efficient amount of power ups and health packs?
****Please give any other suggestions or opinions you have about the game overall. ****

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